Why should you consider getting a energy clearing for your home and/or office? Just like we need to clear our own energy of stuck and negative energies, our spaces like our home and office need this clearing as well. Energy can get stuck in furniture, walls, floors, ceilings, and objects. Negative emotions, thoughts, occurrences, and stress that you, your family, co-workers, and/or clients have experienced can get stuck in your space causing issues with your health and well being.
When should you get a energy clearing for your home and/or office?
When moving into a new home or office
After someone moves out of your space like a roommate, co worker, or ex partner
After a difficult argument or fight took place in your home or office
After an illness or death occurred
After a robbery or unwanted guest entered your home
Anytime you feel stuck or depressed in your own life and need fresh energy
If you or someone else in your household doesn't sleep well or has nightmares
If you feel the presence of a ghost or some kind of energy that makes you feel unsafe
Or anytime you just feel like you need new energy in your space.
What does a home and/or office energy clearing look like with me? Normally these clearings are done at a distance but depending on your location and other factors I do at times offer in person clearings here in the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho area. First we talk over the phone about any concerns or areas in your home and/or office you have questions about. I then connect into your home or office in a similar way that I would if doing a distance energy healing session on a client. I feel into the energy inside of your space and in the surrounding area of your space to find what needs to be cleared out and what wants to be brought in. I then do the clearing letting you know room by room what I am finding and what I am finding in areas surrounding your home or office, going deep down into the earth itself your home or office sits on. If doing in person sessions I use my angel tuning forks, crystals, and sage to help with the clearing or if doing the clearing at a distance I might suggest you get sage or incense, tuning forks, or crystals to clear your space further. At the end I check in to see if there are crystals, plants, or other helpful items that would like to come in to help your home or office release stuck energy going forward. I then bring in more grounding and protection around and in your space. Cost: Between $45 and $75 depending on time needed If have more questions or ready to book email me here