BodyTalk was founded on the principles of quantum physics and the belief that our bodies can heal itself when properly aligned. BodyTalk addresses the "whole person" on all levels: emotional, physical, mental, and environmental. It doesn't look for symptoms, but the underlying cause of illness by addressing the whole-person and their whole-story. With the use of a variety of non-invasive techniques, a BodyTalk Practitioner will help you establish better communication, balance, relaxation, and love within your body. Also during a session, old patterns of thinking and limited belief systems, that have been compromising your health, can effectively be released.
BodyTalk sessions begin by discussing your health status, whatever other personal issues you may wish to address, and any goals for the session. Then, you will relax on a massage table fully clothed. I then establish Yes/No communication using a muscle testing technique. With the help of a BodyTalk Protocol Chart I ask your body Yes/No questions to see what communication circuits have become compromised and in which order these lines of communication need to be re-established. Once I identify your body's healing priorities I use a light tapping technique. I start by tapping on the top of your head, which stimulates your brain to make the change and to "fix" the faulty communication circuit. Then I tap over your heart to "save" the corrected energy circuit and to share this information with every single cell in your body. Since your bodymind knows how many changes and corrections it is ready for in a session it will let me know when the session is complete and may establish a time when you may need to return for a follow-up session.
The list is endless but some common conditions include: chronic illness, anxiety/depression, chronic pain, learning disorders, behavioral problems, life transitions, digestive disorders, headaches, allergies, low energy, stress, flexibility and joint issues, pregnancy and postpartum help, etc.
Just as effective as in person sessions. We each have a unique frequency just like we have our own unique fingerprints. As a Practitioner, I am trained to tune into your frequency, which is similar to tuning into a specific station on the radio. As quantum physics and consciousness-based modalities have found, we are all connected on a mind-level, which is why distant sessions can be done effectively. We will talk on the phone or over email first to discuss your health status and whatever personal issues and goals you may wish to address for the session. Then we will hang up, I will tune into your energy to see what your priorities are, and then set up a follow up to talk over the phone or skype about what came up during your session.