When ancestral healing comes up in Energy Healing Sessions we are mostly working with emotions, traits, hereditary illnesses, mental attitudes/belief systems, and/or trauma. When these are addressed it releases you from energetic patterns that link you to your ancestors-patterns that have been inhibiting or disrupting you from living your own life.
We all are impacted by emotional and energetic patterns from prior generations in our family. Since energy is never lost, but simply changes form over time, emotional issues or problems that were not dealt with by your ancestors, or not fully resolved, can ‘hover’ in your energy field today, creating an imbalance. These inherited patterns can have an impact on you at any level- physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual. They can come from your mother’s and/or father’s side. It’s common to need to go back to the 2nd or 3rd generation, but sometimes we may need to go back even further. If you are experiencing recurring patterns such as not feeling satisfied, enriched, or successful in life, then ancestral healing may be needed so that you can have more joy, abundance, confidence, peace, etc in your life. Or this ancestral tie could show up as an emotion such as rage where you experience unexplained, uncontrolled, raging outbursts that can be linked to one of your ancestors. Or an inherited mental attitude could be the priority to release such as the belief from an ancestor(s) that “people with money are unhappy” or that “money is evil.” Once you figure out what patterns are inhibiting or disrupting you from living your own life you can release this hold and make peace with the members of your family, going back many generations. You can move forward in your life achieving your goals, desires, and living the life you are truly meant to live. As always feel free to reach out with any questions. If you're ready to schedule your Energy Healing Session to address any ancestral healing contact me or schedule a session directly from my website. Many blessings!
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Michelle KetchamInspiration for your healing journey Archives
March 2021