When ancestral healing comes up in Energy Healing Sessions we are mostly working with emotions, traits, hereditary illnesses, mental attitudes/belief systems, and/or trauma. When these are addressed it releases you from energetic patterns that link you to your ancestors-patterns that have been inhibiting or disrupting you from living your own life.
We all are impacted by emotional and energetic patterns from prior generations in our family. Since energy is never lost, but simply changes form over time, emotional issues or problems that were not dealt with by your ancestors, or not fully resolved, can ‘hover’ in your energy field today, creating an imbalance. These inherited patterns can have an impact on you at any level- physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual. They can come from your mother’s and/or father’s side. It’s common to need to go back to the 2nd or 3rd generation, but sometimes we may need to go back even further. If you are experiencing recurring patterns such as not feeling satisfied, enriched, or successful in life, then ancestral healing may be needed so that you can have more joy, abundance, confidence, peace, etc in your life. Or this ancestral tie could show up as an emotion such as rage where you experience unexplained, uncontrolled, raging outbursts that can be linked to one of your ancestors. Or an inherited mental attitude could be the priority to release such as the belief from an ancestor(s) that “people with money are unhappy” or that “money is evil.” Once you figure out what patterns are inhibiting or disrupting you from living your own life you can release this hold and make peace with the members of your family, going back many generations. You can move forward in your life achieving your goals, desires, and living the life you are truly meant to live. As always feel free to reach out with any questions. If you're ready to schedule your Energy Healing Session to address any ancestral healing contact me or schedule a session directly from my website. Many blessings!
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It is very common for pain, emotions, and limiting beliefs needing to be released from the body. Sometimes we are able to move them out right away through voicing them, tears, movement, breath work, etc but other times they will get stuck in different parts of the body, sometimes causing physical pain, until you are ready to address them.
Often the physical pain you're experiencing in your body is trying to get your attention to tell you that something is stuck and wants to be released. Or perhaps there is another message your body is trying to tell you through this pain. For example, if you're experiencing back pain its message could be that you're holding too much stress in your body or maybe your body mechanics need to be evaluated (how your sitting, standing, etc). Or perhaps you feel unsupported in life, there is an emotion of worry stuck there, or a belief that “Life is Overwhelming.” Or if you're experiencing knee pain it could be telling you that fear is stuck there, you need more flexibility in your life, or the belief that “I am not secure in Life” is stuck there. Any emotion or belief that we don’t fully experience, process, and voice can get stuck in the body. Sometimes you may be feeling a particular emotion but then you talk yourself out of feeling it because of what you have learned as a child and during other times in your past. For example, maybe anger comes up, but you were taught that anger is a bad emotion to feel so you keep the anger to yourself instead of expressing it. Or perhaps you were never allowed to express fear so when fear comes up you don’t know how to express it so it can be released. The first step to releasing stuck emotions, pain, and limiting beliefs is to become aware of what is stuck, where it is stuck, perhaps why it got stuck, and to ask if it is yours or something you took on from someone else. The second step is to ask the body how it wants to release the stuck emotion, pain, and/or limiting belief. Maybe it wants you to express it out loud or by simply placing a hand over the particular area that something is stuck in and giving it permission to be released. The third step is to release whatever is stuck and visualize it being released from the body. These are the steps I take for myself and when working with clients. Journaling, meditating, breathwork, movement, being in nature, creating art, etc are other great tools to release stuck emotions, limiting beliefs, and pain. Feel free to reach out with any questions or if you would like to schedule a session to help release your pain, emotions, and limiting beliefs. Many blessings! Energy is all around us. From other people, plants, trees, animals, buildings, cars, food, etc. Everything carries their own energy. During a session your body might want to release energy you took on from another person or perhaps your environment is causing disharmony in your bodymind. Or maybe you need to be in better balance with your meridians, chakras, and/or the food you're eating.
The term chakra comes from the Sanskrit meaning “circle of movement.” Chakras are energy centers that run throughout our body and some exist outside of our bodies. There are over 114 chakras in the human body. We have 7 major chakras that are more well known and are given the most attention too: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. These chakras run from the bottom of the tailbone all the way up to the top of the head. They each have their own symbol, color, emotion, element, meaning, and organ and/or endocrine association. Our Chakras strive to work together to provide the right balance of energy for every part of the body, mind, and spirit, but for all of us our chakras are constantly needing help to come back into balance. When our chakras are open and balanced, energy can flow freely throughout our whole body mind. When any of these energy centers are blocked, it leads to stagnation and can contribute to a variety of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues. Some reasons why chakras might become out of balance and get blocked are from stress, poor diet, low self esteem, suppressed anger, grief, illness, heartbreak, fear, anxiety, toxins, etc. We also have minor chakras or secondary chakras that are just as important as major chakras. Minor chakras are tiny points that fuel the major chakras. There are over 300 acupuncture points in the body, all of which can be considered minor chakras. Every minor chakra has a natural and pathological consciousness associated with it as well as related meridian(s). For example, the feet are all about the natural consciousness of standing up for oneself, grounding, and connectedness. The pathological consciousness of the feet are lacking vital earth energy, ungrounded intellect, and existential fear. The related meridian for the feet are the kidneys. Getting regular Energy Healing Sessions is just one way to help balance your energy and chakras. Meditation, yoga, and breath work are other great tools. As always feel free to reach out with any questions or if you're ready to book a session with me you can do so right from my online scheduler here. Many Blessings! Are you suffering from food allergies or intolerances/sensitivities? Or maybe environmental, pet, or skin allergies or intolerances? Are you desiring help to remove toxins from your body? In my Energy Healing Sessions I use muscle checking to find what you're having an allergic reaction and/or intolerance too, and/or what toxins want to be addressed and cleared out.
No matter how long you have been suffering from allergies, intolerances, or toxins it's not too late for your body to heal. During a Energy Healing Session I don’t just help your body stop reacting negatively to whatever is giving you issues, I help restore your immune response and overall health. I help your body learn how to balance with substances it reacts to instead of fighting against them. Sometimes food additives, toxins, and dehydration are the biggest culprits not the foods or other substances reacting too. Sometimes it’s your body overreacting from digestive imbalances, an overwhelmed immune system, or stuck emotions and/or traumas. You might be wondering how many sessions will it take to clear your allergies, intolerances, or toxins? It depends on the severity but usually at least 3 sessions. I will check in after every session with your body to see when the next session is desired and at what percentage your body is at with balancing to the allergies or intolerance, or how much of the toxins have been removed. With Energy Healing Sessions, allergies, intolerances, and toxins are just a small part of the overall balancing needed to bring about improved health. Energy Healing doesn't just treat the specific allergy or intolerance, but rather it treats the whole person and their whole story on a physical, mental, emotional, and environmental level. Are you ready to heal and start living your life more fully? If so contact me to set up an appointment or schedule your appointment right here on my website using my online appointment scheduler. Or feel free to reach out with any questions. Many blessings! |
Michelle KetchamInspiration for your healing journey Archives
March 2021