Do you feel like you keep attracting the same type of partner that you have the same issues with and don’t know why?
Did you break up with your partner and feel stuck moving on? Or are you struggling right now in your current relationship and don’t know how to fix it? Healing from past and current intimate relationships is often a priority that comes up in many of my clients sessions and for myself. Most of the time we don’t take the needed time to heal from our past relationships before going into another relationship or maybe are unaware of what hasn’t healed until we are met with the same issues. If we don’t take the time for self healing and seeing a practitioner who can help check in and remove blocks, limiting beliefs, emotions, stressors, etc then we are going to keep being met with issues in our relationships creating an unhappy relationship or one that could lead to a break up. Energy medicine like BodyTalk, Reiki, and BodyIntuitive are all great modalities to help with relationship healing. In my sessions, I use muscle checking to have a conversation with your body as well as tapping into my intuition. Then we figure out in what order your body wants to heal and what needs to be balanced and communicating better within your whole body mind on all levels (physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional). If you have more questions as to how sessions with me can help with your relationship healing reach out here or click here to schedule a session. Many blessings!
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Whether you're a woman trying to get pregnant, already pregnant, giving birth soon, healing from a miscarriage, or in your postpartum days, energy healing can be extremely beneficial. I combine the modalities of BodyTalk, BodyIntuitive, Reiki, some breath work, and grounding exercises in my sessions. I use muscle checking to have a conversation with your body as well as tapping into my intuition. Then we figure out in what order your body wants to heal and what needs to be balanced and communicating better within your whole body mind on all levels (physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional). Below I am going to do my best to answer some questions you may have as to how what I offer can help you wherever you are in life.
Let's start off with pre pregnancy. If you're a woman trying to get pregnant, but having difficulties and don’t know why then I can help you find answers and solutions. Maybe it's that your body is too stressed, your uterus is out of alignment, there are emotions and/or beliefs that need to be cleared, something connected to your partner, etc. There are so many possibilities and it will be different for everyone. Now that you're pregnant it's important to make sure your body stays healthy. That means eating a healthy diet, low stress, releasing stuck emotions and/or limiting beliefs, staying in alignment, etc. Maybe you're suffering from nausea, pain, sleep issues, stress, etc. I also can tap into your baby's energy to see what he or she may need. What I also love about the work I do is I can send sessions at a distance. I have sent a session at the same time someone is giving birth from a distance to help labor pain, speeding up a delivery, or just to help the birthing process go as smoothly as possible. Distance sessions are a great option if you and/or your child can’t come to my office because you just gave birth, are in pain, or maybe don’t live close by. Now that you have given birth and have entered into your postpartum days I can continue to offer support and guidance for you, your baby, and family. I can help you with your birth recovery, breastfeeding, reducing stress, depression, or anything else that may be coming up for you during this time. For your baby, if he/she is colicky, having trouble sleeping, or whatever may be going on can check in to see what needs to be cleared and balanced. I hope I answered some questions you may have had about how an energy healing session with me can help you, your baby, and even the rest of your family. Please reach out with any questions at [email protected] or schedule your session right here on my website If you would like to hear about my experience with BodyTalk and Reiki throughout my child birthing journey you can read it here. Many Blessings! When I was 20 years old, my Western doctor said if I wanted to get pregnant my only chance was now since I had so many cysts on my ovaries and was diagnosed with PCOS. I wasn’t ready at this time to get pregnant so I didn’t give it much thought other than knowing I didn’t fully trust his words. For the rest of my 20’s I didn’t meet anyone I wanted to have a baby with and was undecided if I even wanted to be a mother. Then at age 30, I intuitively got the message that I was going to get pregnant at age 35 and to start now healing more of what needed to be healed so I could have a healthy child birthing experience. At this time I didn’t even have a partner, but I listened to my intuition and began the process.
At age 33 I finally met someone I could see myself having a child with. I was already a Reiki Master in my 20’s and doing self healing on myself. It wasn’t until age 32 that I discovered BodyTalk and started getting a lot of sessions from various practitioners. When the founder of BodyTalk was coming to my city and offering sessions I immediately signed up. I remember laying on the table and the founder, John Velteim a funny Australian man, asking me “do you want to get pregnant? If you don’t let me know now and I won’t fix you.” I said I did and so he energetically re positioned my uterus and removed some cysts from my ovaries, as well as clearing some emotions and beliefs. I did other work too since then, but a few years later at age 35 I became pregnant just like my intuition told me I would a few years back. The first trimester I was having lots of nausea and headaches. BodyTalk and Reiki helped lessen the frequency and severity. In my third trimester it helped with my low back pain and other soreness I was experiencing. My baby was born right on time and my full birthing experience took 8 hours. My midwife made it 30 minutes before my boy was born. She kept telling me over the phone to wait a bit and call her back when contractions became more regular. She reminded me yet again that first time moms usually always had a longer birthing experience. So I learned it's important to follow your intuition and demand that your midwife or doctor that is delivering your baby take your intuition seriously. She was a great midwife in many ways and I guess I just wasn’t meant to have a water birth like I had planned for. I thought breastfeeding and postpartum were going to be the easiest part (well besides for the lack of sleep I kept hearing from other moms), but breastfeeding ended up being the most challenging for me. My baby latched right away but didn’t get any milk from me for the first two days. I hired a lactation consultant who made house calls and got distance BodyTalk sessions. I did get my milk supply going, but never was able to give my baby all the milk he needed. It was important to me that my baby get breast milk in the beginning so I found many wonderful mama’s who donated their extra breast milk. I was really angry at my body for not doing its job fully so I worked with my BodyTalk Practitioner to release these emotions and come to a place of acceptance and gratitude for everything my body did do right. I ended up just recently ending my breastfeeding days 3 years later so much longer then I thought I would be able to (he was only getting very little at the end but still I was producing!). It's important to seek support during this vulnerable and, at times, challenging time. I am so thankful for all those that have helped me and continue to help me during parenthood. Many blessings to you wherever you are on your journey. |
Michelle KetchamInspiration for your healing journey Archives
March 2021